These are the Best Cannabis Growing Books For Beginners And Advanced Growers

You can learn as much about cannabis plants from novice to advanced growers, no matter your level of experience. There are many books that will help expand your knowledge, and improve your skills as a grower. We’ll be looking at some of the most useful books on cannabis for both beginners and experts.

Greg Green’s “The Cannabis Grow Bible”

The “The Cannabis Grow Bible”, widely considered to be the best and most authoritative guide for cannabis cultivation, is widely regarded as one. It covers basic botany as well as advanced techniques like hydroponics, breeding and other methods. This book is a valuable resource both for beginners and more experienced growers.

Jorge Cervantes: “Marijuana Horticulture – The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Planter’s Bible”

Jorge Cervantes, a legend cannabis grower and author with over a decade of experience is “Marijuana Horticulture”. This book includes full-color photographs and illustrations that cover all aspects of cannabis cultivation, including seed selection and harvest.

Jorge Cervantes’ “The Cannabis Encyclopedia”

Jorge Cervantes’ “The Cannabis Encyclopedia”, another great book, is an in-depth reference guide covering everything about cannabis growing. This book contains detailed information about lighting, nutrition, pests, diseases and many other topics. This book is essential for anyone who’s serious about growing cannabis.

Mel Thomas, “Cannabis Cultivation – A Complete Grower’s Guide”

The comprehensive “Cannabis Cultivation” guide covers every aspect of growing cannabis, including seed selection through harvesting and curing. It is easy to read and understand, which makes it an excellent resource for experienced and novice growers alike.

Ed Rosenthal, “The Marijuana Grower’s Handbook – Practical Advice From an Expert”

Ed Rosenthal, a legend in cannabis culture, is best known for his classic book “The Marijuana Grower’s Handbook”. This is an invaluable resource both for beginners and experienced growers. This book includes everything you need to know about botany, as well as advanced methods like cloning or breeding. It also contains many helpful tips to ensure that your plants get the best possible results.

These are only a handful of the top cannabis books. These books can be helpful for novice growers or experienced ones. Have fun growing!

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